
[コメント] オズの魔法使(1939/米)

米国文化に深く浸透し、映画で引用されるだけでなくテレビや広告・雑誌・歌などあらゆる所で引用され親しまれている『オズの魔法使』。「い」が無いのがやはり気になるけれど・・・ 米国人1000人に聞きました「心に残る台詞は?」ベスト20 

1  I’ll be back (The Terminator)

2  Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. (Gone with the Wind)

3  Show me the money. (Jerry Maguire)

4  Go ahead, make my day. (Sudden Impact)

5  Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates...(Forrest Gump)

6  You can’t handle the truth (A Few Good Men)

7  Hasta la vista, baby. (T2)

8  May the force be with you (Star Wars)

9  There’s no place like home (The Wizard of Oz) ★

10  Yeah, baby (Austin Powers)

11  Here’s looking at you, kid (Casablanca)

11  E.T., phone home (E.T.)

12  (I’ll) make him an offer he can’t refuse (The Godfather)

12  Bond, James Bond (James Bond films)

13  Are you talking to me? (Taxi Driver)

14  I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore (Network)

15  Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night (All About Eve)

16  You complete me (Jerry Maguire)

17  Hakuna Matata (The Lion King)

18  Play it again, Sam (Casablanca)

  (Actually: Play it once, Sam, for old time’s sake. Play ‘As Time Goes By’)

18  Run, Forrest, run. (Forrest Gump)

18  Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more (The Wizard of Oz) ★

18  We don’t need no stinking badges (Treasure of Sierra Madre)

  (Actually: Badges? We ain’t go no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges.)

19  I love the smell of napalm in the morning (Apocalypse Now)

20  Say hello to my little friend (Scarface)

(MOST POPULAR MOVIE QUOTES   http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/sfischo/quotes.htmlより)


TOP20の中に『オズの魔法使』から2つの台詞が入っています。普段映画を観ていても頻繁に引用されているのに気付くので、何故それほど人気があるのかを知りたくなり、ついつい調べてついついHPまで作ってしまいました。興味のある方は是非。(宣伝) そんなの調べなくともこの映画の素晴らしさは観れば分かるんですけれどネ。




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